SEO Tip: Using Reddit Vote Pro to boost Your website

Many people have asked me why I am so partial to Reddit. The biggest reason is it is an untrained resource in the world of SEO and social marketing. View it this way. When Myspace came out, individuals were deploying it to promote their website a lot. Well then that because the convention. Everyone started doing this and then this became a "tapped" resource. Well then Facebook came out. The same old story. This became a great method of advertising for your personal website of blog. Individuals were using these 2 sites in particular to gain targeted visitors to their websites.

The problem with using Myspace and Facebook is that everyone is doing it. If you want to truly boost your website rank, you need to think beyond the box. This is the key and core basis to SEO in general. You need to be the one to find the next big trend and run with it.

I've found the latest trend that has given me EXTRAORDINARY results. That source would be Reddit. This is a website that enables users to election on a popular article, thus causing it to go viral. Viral marketing is the trend for the future in a Blogging platforms. 0 world. A large consideration for website ranking and popularity is traffic over a certain period of time. A web site that rapidly gains popularity and develops like wildfire will gain the attention of search engines like google and Yahoo. Publishing your website and creating backlinks is the slow way to promote your website. Buy reddit upvotes

In a Blogging platforms. 0 world, you need to harness the ability of Social media to promote your site. Imagine having a personal blog going from 10-20 hits in a day to hits in the hundreds. Not random, erratic hits. We are talking targeted, human visitors. That was the actual case with one of my latest blogs. Used to do the backlinking and basic search engine articles. That worked.... kind of. It got me to position 76 on Google after 3 weeks. Not exactly in a money making position to say the least.

Then my buddy, who promotes these sites with me, showed me one tool he suited for one of his current projects. The tool was called Reddit Election Pro. Reddit Election Pro allows you to buy targeted votes on Reddit and get your site improved to the top! The way Reddit works is that the most voted upon stories are listed on the front page, in front of all the web-site's visitors. Reddit Election Pro allows you to get your site listed on the front page fast. The last time Used to do this for my new blog, I had hundreds of target hits to my site once I reached top page. It was crazy! My advertising profits on my blog improved as well because we were holding actual readers visiting my site, not robots like a lot of other sources of traffic. Don't waste your time on other artificial sources of traffic. They do not help you in the long run at all. Give Reddit Election Pro a go. It works on Reddit, the newest and best of the social media platforms and will get your website promoted in no time!